Working with the insurance company after a car accident is one of the most challenging tasks. You should also contact the other driver’s insurance company when dealing with your insurance provider. Remember that neither insurance company is on your side since they are trying to minimize your vulnerability to the disaster. As a result, you need to use extreme caution while interacting with them, mainly when speaking with the other driver’s insurance provider. If you are wondering, “How can I protect my rights during an accident?” you should talk with a knowledgeable auto accident attorney.
Things not to say to the insurance company when involved in a car accident
Never admit fault
Do not accept blame in any manner, no matter how clear it may appear. This needs to be discussed right away because it is so essential. Even if you feel you participated in some tiny manner in the accident, admitting responsibility at the beginning of your case could significantly limit your options. This can happen without your knowledge because of how the adjuster framed their questions or if you choose not to challenge the claim that you were at fault for the accident.
Never speculate on what took place.
You are likely to be interrogated regarding the accident by the adjuster. You should keep the remarks to details like the accident’s date, time, and place, and perhaps just to the facts you are absolutely sure about. Once more, it is okay to admit that you are uncertain of what happened or cannot remember it.
Do not discuss your injuries.
Your insurance company will undoubtedly want to know if you have any injuries. You need to limit your response to either receiving medical care from a physician or awaiting a medical assessment (assuming you are.
Never admit a recorded statement.
The insurance company for the other driver may attempt to interview you for an audio statement. Saying “yes” to this request is not correct. Respectfully and formally declined. If they are being forceful, just show that you would like to speak with a lawyer about your options before making a recorded statement to anybody.
Never agree to any early settlement.
The insurance company’s potential to settle your claim swiftly may surprise you. Usually, the goal is to settle your claim for the least amount feasible. Unfortunately, these offers are made very quickly after the event, before you know how much of your losses and injuries and how long it will take you to heal.